Working as a nurse has its rewards, but the job might come with more significant dangers than those outside the healthcare industry realize. Nurses perform tasks that might put cause muscle strains, such as lifting and carrying. They also face potential threats from viruses and more. Pennsylvania medical facilities that take steps to reduce potential hazards might find their workers suffer fewer injuries.
Upgrading healthcare facilities
Nurses could overexert themselves in several ways. If a patient slips and a nurse is there to grab them, the nurse might suffer the effects. For example, back strain may result. Such would be an example of an acute injury, but cumulative injuries might happen, too. That is, back or other problems may derive from years of performing nursing-related duties. Perhaps the unfortunate effects might emerge far sooner than “years.”
Technological upgrades could lend a much-needed assist to nurses. The Henry Ford Hospital joined with partner organizations to implement “Project Mobility,” a program that integrates lift devices, special tools, software, and mobility coaches to make a safer environment. Time will reveal how successful the program turns out.
Anything that assists with lifting patients or preventing them from falling should theoretically deliver some improvements. Even if the project proves successful, not every healthcare facility has access to similar equipment.
Injuries and time off from work
If a nurse suffers an injury, missing work might be unavoidable. Physical problems could get worse without rest, and some injuries could require surgery and rehab. Ultimately, a qualified physician would likely make suggestions about when it is advisable to return to work.
Nurses unable to perform their routine duties might file for workers’ compensation benefits. The payments could deliver financial assistance during trying times.
An attorney may help a client put together a thorough workers’ compensation claim. The attorney might assist during the appeal process if the claimant receives an initial denial.