Legal Resources
On this page you will find general information regarding Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Disability.
You will also find internet links to the many laws, rules and regulations that govern Workers’ Compensation and Social Security claims. As you will see, the law is often complex and confusing. It is important to have an experienced attorney to use the law to work for you!
If any internet link on this page is down or not functioning properly, please e-mail us to tell us about the problem.
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Covid-19 Message
Although many businesses have been affected by the Order of the Governor in response to the Covid-19 virus the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation system remains open and available to help those injured at work.
We also possess the technology to support remote work efforts and we want to reassure you that we remain fully operational and responsive to all of your legal needs.
Stay healthy. If you need answers or help, please call us, reach out to us though this web site or email us directly at: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Workers’ Compensation
The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act pays for medical benefits and total and partial disability wage loss benefits if you are injured on the job. It also pays for work related deaths and permanent disfigurement or scarring caused by a work injury or work related surgery to the head, face and/or neck. The Act also pays for work related diseases such as occupationally caused asthma or hearing loss.
Nearly every Pennsylvania worker is covered by the Workers’ Compensation Act. In fact, employers with only one employee must comply with the Act’s requirements. For further information regarding the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, go to our FAQ section or visit one of the internet links below.
- Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act
- Workers’ Compensation Medical Treatment Information
- Workers’ Compensation Rules and Regulations
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Social Security Disability
If you are unable to work due to a work injury or any other physical or mental disability you may qualify for Social Security benefits. There are two main types of benefits available for a disabled individual. The Social Security Disability Insurance Program (SSDI) is available for disabled individuals with a strong work history. This benefit is available for those who have paid into the system through deductions to the Social Security Administration from their paychecks. If you qualify your disability wages are paid on a monthly basis. The amount of your disability payment depends on your earnings.
For those without a sufficient work history, the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI) is available. A disabled person need not have any work history to qualify for this program, but the person must be able to prove that they are disabled and that they financially qualify. The financial determination will be made after a review of household income and other assets.
For both the SSDI and SSI program medical evidence must exist to prove that you have a medical condition or conditions preventing you from working for at least 12 continuous months. In the alternative, you may prove that your condition is expected to take you out of the work force for at least 12 continuous months. For further information regarding Social Security see the links below:
- Social Security Administration home page
This site provides information regarding the SSDI and the SSI program. It also provides valuable information regarding Medicare and other benefits that may be available to you. - Introduction to SSA and Programs
- Social Security Handbook
This site provides a handbook that you can download and print that describes the Social Security benefits available. - Social Security Regulations
This site details the rules and regulations at issue in your claim.
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Personal Injury
If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, slip and fall or you sustained an injury to your person you may be entitled to a monetary award. In personal injury cases the law allows an individual to recover wage loss, medical benefits and pain and suffering damages. If you are married they may also pay for the impact the injury has on your relationship with your spouse.
Sometimes injured workers in Pennsylvania also have a personal injury claim against another party. For instance a truck driver involved in a motor vehicle accident caused by someone else may have a right to recover for both workers’ compensation and personal injury. We take personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. As always, we never charge a fee until we recover for you.