In Pennsylvania, many construction workers are injured each year while working on the job. When people are injured at work, they are entitled to pursue workers’ compensation benefits through their employers’ insurance policies. Most employers in Pennsylvania are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect employees who might be injured on the job. While construction workers face many different risks at work, a common type of injury that might lead to a workers’ compensation claim is an injury caused by lifting heavy objects.
Lifting injuries second-most common
According to data collected by Liberty Mutual, lifting injuries were the second-most common type of injury in workers’ compensation claims filed in 2018. During that year, workers’ compensation claims for lifting-related injuries accounted for 21% of all of the claims that were filed. Lifting injuries were second only to falls, which accounted for 35.3% of the filed workers’ compensation claims. Liberty Mutual used data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the National Academy of Social Insurance in addition to its own claims data in its annual study.
Construction workers often have to lift and carry heavy objects as a routine part of their jobs. Using proper lifting techniques might help to reduce the risk of injury. Construction companies might also consider using forklifts or hoists to lift heavy materials instead of asking their employees to lift them without help. They should also follow safety guidelines and train their employees to lift properly.
People who are injured while working at construction sites should report their injuries to their employers as soon as possible. They can then file workers’ compensation claims with their employers’ workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Workers’ compensation benefits might be available to pay for all of the injured employee’s medical expenses, prescriptions and rehabilitation costs. If an injured employee is unable to return to work because of his or her work-related injuries, workers’ compensation benefits might also be available to replace a percentage of the employee’s income either temporarily or permanently. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney might help his or her clients to recover all of the benefits to which they should be entitled.